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Showing posts with the label US Politics

Russia and Putin should Finally Accept the Truth! The Myth Buster Edition!

Vladimir Putin will be remembered always as the architect of the Modern Russia and the True Leader of it's people. From the misery and destruction of the 90s, Russia under Putin has once again re-emerged as the true World Super Power. Despite all his successes, his handling of the relationship with West has been quite naive. It seems Russia especially under Putin has been operating under a lot of assumptions which honestly is based on fantasy rather than realism for most of it's part. We have the likes of Stephen Cohen and Paul Craig Roberts, two renowned Russia matter experts constantly reminding us about this disparity between the wish and reality. May be Paul Craig Roberts may seem a bit more outspoken with his views on 'How America treats Russia and How Russia should respond'! But his basic premise of argument has been constantly proven right as we are seeing in the continuous deterioration of Russia - US relationship.

Gun Violence in America - Live By the Gun, Die by the Gun!

So it's have started again, the whole debate of Gun Control and counter arguments! And while it last it will be good entertainment. Already everything related to Guns have taken a reality TV like life on it's own. It's quite entertaining to listen and enjoy these high pitched rhetoric or shrill may I rephrase! It's fun to watch when you are in a country far from these drama; but despite the wholesale entertainment you are left to wonder - why it always needs Children as victims to start a debate on this! Mark my word, nothing will change; nothing will happen; Democrats will shout despite clearly knowing that they didn't do a damn thing when they dominated all the houses and the White House. Republicans already have their scape-goat. That four deputies, who didn't rush in time!

How Long Before the Cold War 2.0 turns Hot?

Middle East Affairs are getting more murkier day by day! It's extremely hard to predict the next turn of event but it's safe to assume that whatever happens it won't be for the good! And at the epicenter of all there lies Syria. US and it's allies never ever imagined that the turn of events in Syria would go completely in the opposite direction as they hope. It was never in consideration when they made the decision to destroy a Country, which going by History defines the entire middle-east's future. As usual the US and it's allies refuses to learn their lessons; engaging in yet another series of missteps; oblivious to the fact that the World is racing to yet another World War.

Democrats Cave-in! That's not a Surprise; But the Fact that they actually Shut the Government Down was the Surprise!

Sometimes it's so surprising that how the Democrats ends up being so naive repeatedly. I am not talking about the #ShutDown cave-in instead I am referring to the millions of Democrats and Liberal supporters who think that the senate democrats will not cave. Some liberal media outlets have called this cave-in a huge surprise; in reality it ain't! For me the actual surprise was that they actually shut the Government; that was not expected! Like Jimmy Dore calls them, the Corporate Democrats always look after the interest of their master and that ain't the people it's the wealth donors.

OPRAH for President! The Real Target is Bernie Sanders not Donald Trump!

US Presedential elections is without any doubt the biggest Reality TV show on the face of earth; Donald Trump proved the same with histronics in the Presendtial campaign. Can't blame him; it's setup to be the perfect reality show. Otherwise how you will explain a year long campaign; with two seperate selection process (done specifically to establish that only two candidates emerge); tons of media coverage and even more vigorous and frivolous debates. 'And all this to elect One Man - President of United States of America'. All other countries will do the entire exercise in less than two months but not US. There it has to be a 'Grand Show' despite the lacking character.

Donald Trump showcases his Impotency to the Whole World

As per United States President, Donald Trump the relationship between US and Russia is at all time low thanks to US Congress. He said so signing the bill which has enhanced sanction and which largely creep into executive powers to make policy decision; at the blackmail of Congress! For some reason he forget that he could have simply said no for signing the bill; but then the Russian Collusion investigation is something which makes him nervous. To get that off his back he has been dancing to the tunes of the Democrats and Republicans. Little he realize that every time he fail to stand up for himself; he is falling in the eyes of the people who elected him believing foolishly that he could change things in America.

Is Trump the Most Dangerous American President Ever?

For people who live outside of United States of America, usually the US President represents a bit of a risk/danger. It's strange to think that about the head of one of the largest democracy. But it's true; especially in recent times. Once on that Chair, there is some kind of demonic spirit which possess each one of them; end result is you are looking at a truly mad person who runs around the World looking at opportunities to creates destruction and death. Barack Obama is the classic example; he was sold to the World as 'The Only Hope' after the disastrous reign of George W Bush Jr. He was well received across the World, in Europe, in Muslim Countries and they saw that Great Hope of a Peaceful World through him. But the moment he sat on that Throne everything changed. He left the Throne as a President who has ordered the maximum number of Drone Killings of Innocents, as the guy responsible for destroying Libya and to an extent Syria. Also as a guy who sow so much hatr...

Russians Need to wake up On Donald Trump

One Country that welcomed whole-heartedly the election of Trump was without any doubt Russia. And it has nothing to do with Russian hacking story as it is proven again and again is a load of Nonsense. It is easy to understand from where the Russian optimism for Trump was stemming up. It's common sense! Every other candidate (should I say Neo-Con ones) has been calling for an open confrontation with Russia. It's not only in US Elections. For some reason it started with the BREXIT episode, where Politicians who was calling for remaining in Europe constantly hyped the Russian threat. Again even that is logical. You can't hype the economic success Europe brought, so it's simple - Fear works better than Hope!

Donald Trump and The Art of Constant U-Turns

When people argue about how financially United States of America remains a a very good case, I usually point them to the phenomenon of Donald Trump. Had everything with American economy been so great, there was no way a person like Donald Trump would have got himself elected. Without any doubt he has to be the greatest Salesman the World has ever seen. He sold himself as the hope for the struggling middle class of America, those the Democrats like to classify as the Racist middle class (Democrats always have a short memory, they tend to forget that it was the same racist white middle class who elected Obama twice). Both the election of Obama and Trump has one thing in common; they both got elected as the Hope of a struggling Middle Class. It's not only how they go elected bears similarity; but even the way they have destroyed those hopes had striking similarity (eventhough Trump is at the start of his Presidency).