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Showing posts with the label syria

With False Flag Chemical Attack on Idlib Coming Soon, What Will Russia Do this Time?

Syria has become the perfect play board for the most advanced Political Chess Maneuvering. Every time you think that you have seen it all in Russia, it's just the beginning of another horrifying start of a more dangerous situation. Last year April in an article titled ' Is Donald trump the most Dangerous of US presidents ?', I have explained how by conceding to the War hawks on the first fake chemical attack (some say it's his daughter and son-in-law who made him do it), he had dug himself into inescapable swamp. In that article I have mentioned that by not standing up to the Deep State he have created a scenario where it would be so easy for the FSA to get US involved. Currently we are seeing that happening in full speed.

Is Syria and Iran turning against Russia on Israel?

Sometimes time flies, and it flies double fast when it involves Israel. So after a few weeks since the World almost stared at World War 3, it appears living people have no memory of the same now. It feels like an event which occurred in distant past. One cannot blame the People; events are unfurling at such break neck speed; it's normal to lose count and drown in the swamp. Once against Middle-East remains at the center of everything happening in the World. It's strange how the 'Black Gold' keeps the focus of entire World to one of the most tiniest part!

Why 'Paper Tiger' Putin is inviting a US-French Strike against Syria?

After the initial set of confusion, now we have more or less clarity on who carried out the attack on Syrian Base. Russian Ministry of Defense was the one who outed the real culprit - Israel. As per the MOD statement , two Israeli F-15 Fighters fired eight cruise missiles of which five was intercepted by Russian supplied Syrian air defense system. The three which was got past the defense system has caused serious personnel damage at the base which host majorly Syrian and Iranian forces addition to a limited number of Russian personnel.

Is Russia/Putin a Reliable Ally for Syria/Assad!

If one could turn back time, Assad would have definitely loved to restart from the year 2009. That was the year when Assad foolishly refused to sign an agreement for an overland pipeline from Gulf state to Europe via Syria. He refused to sign that saying "To protect the interests of Russian ally, which is Europe's top supplier of natural gas". Was there any need for him to do that! Just think what would have happened had he signed that agreement. He would have made hell lot of cash, he could have proceeded with absolute impunity in his ruling, he could most probably be an ally of The United States of America by now and most probably the Tartus port would have been a permanent base for America now. Instead he and his beloved country is facing a six year old civil war and battle for existence.