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Gun Violence in America - Live By the Gun, Die by the Gun!

So it's have started again, the whole debate of Gun Control and counter arguments! And while it last it will be good entertainment. Already everything related to Guns have taken a reality TV like life on it's own. It's quite entertaining to listen and enjoy these high pitched rhetoric or shrill may I rephrase! It's fun to watch when you are in a country far from these drama; but despite the wholesale entertainment you are left to wonder - why it always needs Children as victims to start a debate on this! Mark my word, nothing will change; nothing will happen; Democrats will shout despite clearly knowing that they didn't do a damn thing when they dominated all the houses and the White House. Republicans already have their scape-goat. That four deputies, who didn't rush in time!

We lose eight children and teenagers to gun violence every day. If a mysterious virus suddenly started killing eight of our children every day, America would mobilize teams of doctors and public health officials. We would move heaven and earth until we found a way to protect our children. But not with gun violence. Elizabeth Warren

From somebody who is watching from outside, Americans never ending passion for violence is quite fascinating. I guess it's present in every facet of life. As Jacqueline Luqman mentioned in the Loud & Clear Radio show the violence dominates every aspects of American life. The American Nation as she described has been found on the basis of violence and massacre and the worrying part is that there is a romanticism which is getting associated with it nowadays. You add that to the kind of division in the society; it's not surprising people are reaching for their guns to get past their frustrations.

Amercia Exported Violence World Wide, Now have to deal with Same

There is so much violence which United States have exported across the World using their allies. The current version of the same running in Syria won't be the last! For their short term goals, United States have destroyed many countries. The Afghanistan which existed before United States started bringing in the Mujaheddin to counter Soviets is barely recognizable now. After the demise of Soviet Union one would have thought they would ramp down of these kind of behaviors. But the opposite happened as without an oppositing power or ideology United States saw the entire world as their private farm.

The list of countries which are destroyed and to be destroyed is ever growing. In order to get the public support behind these endless wars, there has been a concentrated effort by people of power to make 'America Fall in Love with Violence Forever'. It wasn't a particularly difficult task as deep in their character that trait was there. The movies and the news channels glorified the Violence America was unleashing in other countries. They were the salesmen who were selling these endless wars sponsored by the Military Industrial Complex.

The drawback of such glorification of violence is that people soon lose sense of reality. They all start to live in the Utopian worlds built in the inner walls of their own mind. Add to this, the kind of divide in terms of ideology the American society is currently experiencing. That mean everyone will stick to their own point of view regardless of the pain and suffering of their compatriots. Unless it hurts us it's all beautiful to watch!

The Pro Gun lobby and the Anti-Gun lobby have been all guilty for furthering the divide and not failing to reach any consensus. The pro gun lobby points to the 2nd amendment every time a gun violence occurs. Sometimes it's comical almost all the amendments guaranteed by the US constitution is violated by US Government and Establishments on a daily basis but it's somehow the 2nd amendment which is more previous! The anti gun lobby also never seeks a dialogue or negotiations process; immediately starts accusing who owns a gun as racist and murderers following tragic events. Neither of them are helping a bit.

The excuses they give are sometimes comical. During the French Terrorist attack, the anti-Gun lobby was in full force in twitter pointing out why Guns should be banned because of terrorist incidents like that. Little they know or wanted to know that all those AK-47s were already illegal and was smuggled in; something which could happen everywhere. The pro-Gun guys didn't do much better either. Peter Schiff immediately came out with a video stating that Paris attack happened because citizen didn't have gun! Unbelievable; these guys feel that every citizen with a little bit of range practice is equipped to fire at a guy who is spraying using one of the most deadliest assault rifles in the history! If it's so simple, then why are we all maintaining specially trained military units!

If Gun Control not Possible, US needs to slow down Gun Procurement Process

The argument that "Gun Control actually won't work" doesn't hold any more water. Countries have done this; recently Australia did that after a horrific massacre and after that at least never seen wide spread mass killings. One should avoid bringing in Terrorist attacks into mix to justify some point. Terrorist attacks are like war and should be treated separately. America will do a world of good by implementing a limited time gun control and see how it works out. It won't be easy as the society is completely divided on this issue.

If a Gun Control is not possible, United States should think about getting the next better option - Implementing a wait time before someone is given a gun. In most of the mass murders which has happened recently the guns which were used by the perpetrator were obtained very recently. A 3 month wait time between you apply for a gun and actually get hold of the gun will help to solve these kind of impulsive murderers. Remember these people will still go on a killing rampage, may be using a knife; but remember the impact of that will be far less than with a gun.

America Risk being Conversted into a Security Prison

None of the Politicians including President Trump want to solve this. They all are playing to their base. That is the reason why we hear "We Should arm Teachers" arguments. They just wanted to deflect the issue now. I will go back to my earlier argument again. It's two different thing to fire at a stationary target in firing range and being able to point a gun at a guy who is looking to kill you. The latter requires serious training, which the Police force and Soldiers undergo. That is the reason why we train them before they enter duty. Otherwise it would have been so easy to defend against terrorist and criminals.

The suggested solution of making each school as a security fortress also seriously lack any understanding. First of all it requires a lot of personal to secure each schools 24x7. Second the reason why Schools are targeted is because it contains easy targets. The next best targets are Churches. Let's say you could secure every schools and Churches, then what. Naturally these killers will look for other targets - Hospitals, Shopping Malls etc. There won't be any shortage of easy target across the country. The only thing which will change the heading - Schools replaced by Hospitals etc.

In the end the entire nation has to be made into a security fortress. I have a better solution, declare 'Martial Law'; anyways without liberty and freedom you already may be in one! Many elders always wonder why they never had these problems growing up even though almost all of them had guns. Then it may be time to admit that American society has changed completely from those old days. This is a violent society and will self eradicate if not checked!


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