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Showing posts with the label World War

Russia and Putin should Finally Accept the Truth! The Myth Buster Edition!

Vladimir Putin will be remembered always as the architect of the Modern Russia and the True Leader of it's people. From the misery and destruction of the 90s, Russia under Putin has once again re-emerged as the true World Super Power. Despite all his successes, his handling of the relationship with West has been quite naive. It seems Russia especially under Putin has been operating under a lot of assumptions which honestly is based on fantasy rather than realism for most of it's part. We have the likes of Stephen Cohen and Paul Craig Roberts, two renowned Russia matter experts constantly reminding us about this disparity between the wish and reality. May be Paul Craig Roberts may seem a bit more outspoken with his views on 'How America treats Russia and How Russia should respond'! But his basic premise of argument has been constantly proven right as we are seeing in the continuous deterioration of Russia - US relationship.

How Long Before the Cold War 2.0 turns Hot?

Middle East Affairs are getting more murkier day by day! It's extremely hard to predict the next turn of event but it's safe to assume that whatever happens it won't be for the good! And at the epicenter of all there lies Syria. US and it's allies never ever imagined that the turn of events in Syria would go completely in the opposite direction as they hope. It was never in consideration when they made the decision to destroy a Country, which going by History defines the entire middle-east's future. As usual the US and it's allies refuses to learn their lessons; engaging in yet another series of missteps; oblivious to the fact that the World is racing to yet another World War.

Is Trump Batting for an Ukraine-Russia War? Will it Start the World War 3?

'A Cornered fool with a Nuclear Button is the Most Dangerous Person in the World'; and that sums up Donald Trump President precisely. His twitter reply to North Korean President shows his arrogance, his lack of understanding of anything and proves once again that he is simply a man who is in love with oneself. The North Korean situation has shown every sign of getting escalated and is just being contained; this could erupt back again and everyone from European Union, Russia, China etc. is dead worried of the same. Let get this straight, if Trump attacks North Korea , Kim will nuke both Japan and South Korea. He has no reason not to do it. And that would be a great prospect from the people of Japan and South Korea.