Off late, for some reason, the majority of the post in this blog is centered on a single guy, American President Donald J Trump. Now this post is also no different. This also concentrates wholly on Trump and his fellow followers, who saw him as the light at the end of the tunnel. I think the best reasoning of trump's election was given by the Left-Wing Michael Mooore. He was spot on when he called it as "The Biggest F*** You in the History". I cannot write anything better nor dream of writing anything better; so i directly quote him here. Whether Trump means it or not is kind of irrelevant. He’s saying these things to people who are hurting. And it’s why every beaten-down, nameless working stiff who used to be part of what was called the middle class loves Trump. He’s the human Molotov cocktail that they’ve been waiting for – the human hand grenade that they can legally throw into the system that stole their lives from them. And, on November 8, election day… although...
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