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Why 'Paper Tiger' Putin is inviting a US-French Strike against Syria?

After the initial set of confusion, now we have more or less clarity on who carried out the attack on Syrian Base. Russian Ministry of Defense was the one who outed the real culprit - Israel. As per the MOD statement, two Israeli F-15 Fighters fired eight cruise missiles of which five was intercepted by Russian supplied Syrian air defense system. The three which was got past the defense system has caused serious personnel damage at the base which host majorly Syrian and Iranian forces addition to a limited number of Russian personnel.

Was Israel trying to start a Bigger War?

It appears that Israel had more sinister intention in attacking the base apart from the revenge for shooting down their plane last month. It appeared that Israel tried their best to create an impression that the attack was carried out by US forces rather than themselves. US now says that they were kept informed; but the initial confusion among military planners clearly demonstrate that they had no idea. Which begs the big question about Israeli intention? The T-4 Base has been in under tremendous Israeli focus due to the huge number of Iranian forces there and also it act as a base for Iranian drone operations. It also shows a bit of desperation of Israeli Government after seeing ISIS and Al-Qaeda, who they have supported covertly ending defeated in Syria. Israel would be looking to start another war in Syria and the attack on T-4 Base was an attempt to start one; they clearly know if Syria/Russia mistook the attack as American and attack back then US would get involved fully.

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion. Alexander the Great

Expect Us-France to attack Syria in a Day or Two!

This one looks more or less very likely now. Remember prior to this Israeli attack there were tremendous noise of an expected US attack following the false accusation of Chemical attack in Douma. Why I consider the attack as a false flag? Because it doesn't make sense! Assad's forces are winning, they are clearing the entire East Douma one by one; it's just a matter of time. Why would Assad use Chemical attack now when the entire opposition in retreat. May be he got bored and was craving for some Western forces attack.

And the entire episode was predicted by Russians and they had already warned against any Western attacks following any false flag event. They did warn that they will take down the missiles and the platform from where they are fired if Russian forces are threatened. That have stopped the attack for now but it will come. The American clearly and correctly assess that the Russian statement is a green light for an attack on Syrian forces anywhere where Russian forces are not present. What we understand is that they may be zeroing on targets which will not put Russians in danger.

From a political perspective Trump have no other option but to order a strike. This time he has the French as an ally also. The Israeli attack on airbase will be putting enormous pressure on him. If Israel was looking to get USA dragged into Syrian war , they may have succeeded in it. Remember the Neocons will be ratcheting the pressure on Donald Trump and he himself knows that with Israeli's striking any inaction will result in him being considered a weak President. Despite the Russian rhetorics, there is no signs showing that there will be opposition to these attacks. That is a big Green signal from all side for Trump!

Vladmir Putin Fear of USA emboldens the Neocons

In recent times, many in West who want to see end of the US hegemony have considered as Vladmir Putin as fearless But when it comes to dealing with their arch-enemy he appears like a 'Paper Tiger' more often. He is too afraid to take a step against them because of the fear of starting a huge war. Little he understand that every time he retreats from the fight he simply emboldens the Neocons further.

You can expect a similar response from Putin following the upcoming attack by US-French coalition on Syria. If Putin can't shoot back at Israel (who is not a NATO member) and that too when they attacked a base where Russian Personnels and Helicopters were present; will he ever have the courage to attack US? Nope! It's simple; despite the appearance of a Macho Man image, Vladmir Putin is a weak President when it comes to standing up to US aggression. If Neocons attacks even Russia you can expect him to contain the operation rather than retaliate.

Cold War 2.0 - Has Russia already lost it?

Have you ever thought why despite all the hostilities during 'The Cold War', there was no conflict! The simple reason was Soviet Union was ruled by rulers who could stand up to the aggression of United States and it's allies. That is the major difference between this new Cold War and the old one. Today Russia is headed by people who pretend to be brave but never have the courage to stand up to American aggression. That is the main reason why now Russia sees themselves surrounded by enemy countries.

Most of the allies have walked away from Russia as they know clearly that they can't bank on them. The ones who still remains allies like Syria and Iran has been under constant attack. Both of these countries knows very clearly that Russia will give them up if West can offer Russia a friendship deal. We saw how Russia allowed the Iranian Sanctions to go through the United Nations.

The more Russia runs away from a fight, the more US gets emboldened. And how long can Russia run? They eventually have to fight. In all these wars the real target have always been Russia. Americans will wants to see the complete destruction of Russia and they will not stop until they knows clearly that Russia can hurt them. You can place S-400s and S-500s near your base or American base; but it will only stop the Americans if they know that you have the courage to fire them. Presently they know clearly that Putin don't have that courage!


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