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Catalonian Independence Crisis - The Only Solution is a Financial Revolt!

Catalonia cannot obtain Freedom without destroying Spanish Economy and "Bank Runs" could be the path to Freedom!

Catalonia, that's a term which worries the European think tanks at the moment the most. It appears to have subsidized for some time with both the Antagonist and the Protagonist looking totally confused about what to do! But then when fools rule, there won't be any shortage for entertainment. So we are fully ready for another episode of Catalonian Revolt. The situation calls for calmer heads who could lead the country to a negotiated settlement; but those kind of people are no longer there in politics. Instead what we have is leaders who think only about their goals and seldom think about the greater good. In that way, the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and Catalonian leader Carles Puigdemont are brothers in arms. They are both short sighted, selfish and foolish to the core.

A fool is wise in his eyes King Solomon

Wise men used to say "Never start a Fight you have no intend to fight!". This was the mistake Carles Puigdemont and his fellow leaders did! They wanted to make a statement and play to the gallery. No one intended to declare independence nor actually wish for independence. It all went completely out of their hand. They were forced to take up this step after Spanish Government went for grand standing. The prior rhetoric meant they had to return the same in kind; and they did! Now they all are trapped and may see themselves in prison for a long time in the neo-Franco ruled Spain.

Usually it's the leaders who give up on their people and supporters at the first given chance. Here strangely the tables have turned. These leaders were forced to go for these steps because they felt people were behind them. The spontaneous protest which broke across Catalonia gave them a false hope that the People are strongly behind them. But they completely misread the situation. The people after the initial fight gave up; they were all happy to see the declaration of independence and tears followed. But it all ended there; none of the freedom supporters have the stomach for a prolonged fight; so they felt they could sacrifice the leaders and put an end to it!

The Catalonian leaders are still of the hope of a divine intervention to solve their current predicament. They still believe the European Union and it's leaders will suddenly will grow a conscience and will look and act against the human rights violation of Spanish government. The logic behind such a thinking is incomprehensible. European Union have time and again made clear that they don't care what Spanish Government does; they have their full backing and there was no need for European Intervention as it is just an internal matter.

Not many is surprised by the European Union stance' it's just how they have acted all the years especially with Franco style government. But even when European Union have made their views clear, the Catalonian separatist still hold on to some never seen hope of intervention from their European pattern. One have to wonder whether these Separatist are plain stupid or just acting as one? The simple answer whether Europe will put pressure of Rajoy is "NO". There is no need for them to do so!

If Catalonians want Europe to intervene, then they need to create an atmosphere of that need.

How can Catalonians force the EU to interfere on their behalf?

At the moment the Catalonians seems to think that Protest and non-violent disobedience is the way forward. They think a atmosphere of protest would force Rajoy's hand. But for some reason they discount the fact that Rajoy is already a weak Premier. For him the battle against the Catalonians is the last straw of hope he got. The more he make the grand standing, the less people remember about the current Spanish economic woes and he will be safe. Even then the Catalonians are right about one thing - the path to freedom will be of non-violent disobedience but the problem is they are not realizing that the disobedience should not be on a political front but on a financial front

If Catalonian's Want Freedom, they have to Wreck Spanish Economy!

Catalonia is one of the richest regions of Spain and they in itself is the biggest trump card the Separatist hold; but only if they knew how to properly play the game! The Spanish banking sector's health is a huge worry for European Union and they know clearly that if they go down will drag the entire EU with them. It's that fear that the Separatist needs to exploit. The name of the solution is

"Create Bank Runs in Spanish Banking Sectors".

It's simple, if the separatist remove all their cash from the banks in Catalonia, none of the banks will survive; The idea that only Catalonian banks will suffer is a fallacy as all the banks across the European Union are so interlinked that there will be unmanageable domino effect. If the bank runs happen in Catalonia, it will immediately happen is every region of Spain; Italian banks will be pulled into the deep of it immediately and the French and German banks will also suddenly look shaky.

Once the pressure comes on the German banking sector, Angela Merkel will listen and so do European union and at least they will all come to the negotiating table and if not freedom greater autonomy will be guaranteed. The beauty of such a move is that there is nothing Spanish Government could do to counter. In the fractional banking system, if 10% of entire deposit is removed quickly those banks will fail. Spanish Government can only watch the carnage that follow!

For every Pro-Independence rally, the Spanish Government was able to put up a show of Pro-Remain rallies in Catalonia. But that won't work. They could get people to be in the street but the same people cannot substitute the cash the Pro-Independence guys are withdrawing. They simply don't have instead they all will be sucked into the panic and will most probably que up.

A wide scale panic is needed to get the European Union to listen to Catalonian demands. The majority of Catalonians don't want to be separated from Spain, but they prefer to have greater autonomy and more respect from Madrid. A wide scale bank run could force EU to give all those demands to Catalonia. But Without a Financial Revolt, Catalonians will not get the Autonomy they Crave for. People falsely believe that India and other Countries got freedom because of their independence struggle alone; but they tend to forget the biggest factor - the destruction of Britain's Finance following the World War 2. That should be big lesson Catalonians should understand.


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