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Real Problem of US Health Care is Not Insurance, But Cost - Karl Denninger

I used to always wonder why American's never get the simple picture. Obama-Care is a classic example of How to fix the effect, not the problem. The reason why People in US struggle to afford healthcare is due to the high cost associated with it, not the lack of insurance coverage. Actually it's the Cartel of Insurance Guys, Medical Practitioners/Corporations and Pharmaceutical Corporations which has consistently kept the Cost high. Obama-Care legalized this loot/exploitation by this Cartel. No one explains its better than Karl Denninger. Find his latest interview with Greg Hunter of USAWATCHDOG below. It worth to listen.

John McAfee on Russian Hacking and Invasion to Privacy

John McAfee on Russian Hacking Threat and Threat to Privacy from Government and Institutions. We all Have Secrets and We Must Keep Them - John McAfee

Paul Craig Roberts: Russia Will Nuke Europe And The US

Is It How it's Going to End? USA's Day Of Reckoning