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Will a New Ukraine-Russia War Start with the Beginning of FIFA World Cup 2018?

There has been a silent build up of tension in the Eastern Ukranian Provinces which fought for independence against the Kiev backed right win forces and security forces. Two summers back it was more or less settled with Eastern Ukranian rebel forces emerging victorious in holding off the Kiev army. But despite that many experts believe there has been a huge build up by Kiev backed forces in restarting the conflict aptly supported or prompted by the Trump administration. We have earlier discussed how Trump could be propping the Kiev for another war with Russia backed rebels ; may be this time directly with Russia.

Is Syria and Iran turning against Russia on Israel?

Sometimes time flies, and it flies double fast when it involves Israel. So after a few weeks since the World almost stared at World War 3, it appears living people have no memory of the same now. It feels like an event which occurred in distant past. One cannot blame the People; events are unfurling at such break neck speed; it's normal to lose count and drown in the swamp. Once against Middle-East remains at the center of everything happening in the World. It's strange how the 'Black Gold' keeps the focus of entire World to one of the most tiniest part!

Russia and Putin should Finally Accept the Truth! The Myth Buster Edition!

Vladimir Putin will be remembered always as the architect of the Modern Russia and the True Leader of it's people. From the misery and destruction of the 90s, Russia under Putin has once again re-emerged as the true World Super Power. Despite all his successes, his handling of the relationship with West has been quite naive. It seems Russia especially under Putin has been operating under a lot of assumptions which honestly is based on fantasy rather than realism for most of it's part. We have the likes of Stephen Cohen and Paul Craig Roberts, two renowned Russia matter experts constantly reminding us about this disparity between the wish and reality. May be Paul Craig Roberts may seem a bit more outspoken with his views on 'How America treats Russia and How Russia should respond'! But his basic premise of argument has been constantly proven right as we are seeing in the continuous deterioration of Russia - US relationship.

Why 'Paper Tiger' Putin is inviting a US-French Strike against Syria?

After the initial set of confusion, now we have more or less clarity on who carried out the attack on Syrian Base. Russian Ministry of Defense was the one who outed the real culprit - Israel. As per the MOD statement , two Israeli F-15 Fighters fired eight cruise missiles of which five was intercepted by Russian supplied Syrian air defense system. The three which was got past the defense system has caused serious personnel damage at the base which host majorly Syrian and Iranian forces addition to a limited number of Russian personnel.

Gun Violence in America - Live By the Gun, Die by the Gun!

So it's have started again, the whole debate of Gun Control and counter arguments! And while it last it will be good entertainment. Already everything related to Guns have taken a reality TV like life on it's own. It's quite entertaining to listen and enjoy these high pitched rhetoric or shrill may I rephrase! It's fun to watch when you are in a country far from these drama; but despite the wholesale entertainment you are left to wonder - why it always needs Children as victims to start a debate on this! Mark my word, nothing will change; nothing will happen; Democrats will shout despite clearly knowing that they didn't do a damn thing when they dominated all the houses and the White House. Republicans already have their scape-goat. That four deputies, who didn't rush in time!